Sunday, April 18, 2010

Updates of the Rat Race

MaGill here,

Sorry for the delay in posts but nothing much is going on around here until this week. Momma & Poppa went to see the Twinkies play in their new outdoor ballpark:

Poppa accepted a new job which I think should mean double the yogies and bananas for us but I don't think it will happen. Also Momma & Poppa went out for Record Store Day yesterdays and got a bunch of sweet vinyl tunes that we listned to when they got back.

But the real reason for my post:

Momma has been prowling around the house sick the past couple days and, oh my paws, thinks she's sneeky with camera in hand. The stinker actually caught me being still and was able to capture it on camera.

I suppose this means she thinks this is going to be a regular thing. . .

Peas and Naps
Love, Lil

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hope your momma feels better soon! You're very photogenic MaGill. You should be still more often. ;)