Sunday, August 1, 2010

We Hear Someone Drinking

Suspiciously we watched as Momma cleaned up the small adventureland. Normally this means cabin time but we're still in the manor. Then we hear the familiar sound of someone drinking but everyone is in the house so who could it be? Now we're hearing the name Justine.

I have a feeling we're going to have an announcement in a short time.

Stay tuned!

Love and Peas,


Angie said...

Hi, I just found your blog! I love it. I grew up with rats, and now that my son, Ringo, is old enough to enjoy them, we bought a pair and we love them so.....we just started a blog, where we write stories about them and send them on "adventures". I'd love to be blog buddies! Here we are if you want to come and visit...we'll be posting more stories soon.

Angie said...'s a link to our blog.